Monday, October 23, 2023

Set Free

This was the oath He swore to our father Abraham: 
to set us free from the hands of our enemies, 
free to worship Him without fear, 
holy and righteous in His sight all the days of our life. 
LUKE 1:73-75

Lord Jesus, You are my peace and freedom. The dawn breaks, and Your glory knocks at my door. Glory that is full of Your tender love, mercy, and compassion. Thank You so much for setting me free from the bondage of sin, giving me a glorious life that is bright, healthy, and peaceful.

Today, I humbly claim complete healing and total freedom. Heal me from any form of sickness or toxic substances that may have entered my body. Free me from this stress that makes me uncomfortable. May I always stay strong and healthy to enjoy a long life in the world as I long to see my grandchildren grow into Your fullness, love, and care. I hold on to Your promise of a long and healthy life.

Please take care of my growth and maturity so that I may be the person you wanted me to be. Capture my mind and make it rest in Your peace. Let me stay in the light at all times and dispel all darkness that may come my way. Greatly manifest the powers of your Spirit in me so that in all things, I will be strong. I believed that nothing is impossible with You. 

Through it all, I offer everything to You. I love you so much and deep in my heart, I want to make all things right for the praise and glory of Your name. As always, may Your hand continue to work wonders over my life most especially in raising me up to higher grounds. 

With much love and thanksgiving I pray. Amen.